safe shelters
All beneficiaries in the Eden Program are offered shelter in one of the Eden safe shelters. All shelters are equipped with all basic amenities and have highly trained team members on site 24 hours a day. The shelter accommodation is provided free of charge and includes full board and lodging. Eden also provides daily transportation to and from the shelter and Eden training centres.

Safe Shelter Yangon
Yangon is a city of 6,000,000 and it has become one of the primary trafficking hubs in Myanmar as women and young girls migrate because of economic desperation and come to the city looking for work. There are at least four trafficking hubs in Yangon where traffickers are waiting at bus terminals to offer these vulnerable young women “jobs”. Eden operates three safe shelters in Yangon that can accommodate up to 30 beneficiaries.

Safe Shelter Lashio

Lashio is located close to the China border and has become a major bride trafficking hotspot. Eden operates one safe shelter in Lashio as well as the full holistic programme which includes vocational training and counselling. The Lashio safe shelter accommodates up to 20 beneficiaries.

Safe Shelter Tachileik
Tachileik is a city located near the busiest crossing point on the Thai-Myanmar border, and as a result has become a hub for transnational crime groups trafficking humans. There is an urgent need for shelters, victim services and vocational training in Tachileik.
Eden will reproduce its trauma-informed care program and open a Safe shelter in Tachilek in 2020 that will house 20 beneficiaries.